Sort your biowaste! Join the loop!!! Biowaste usually end up in landfills as it takes time and money to sort, collect and process them separately. The WaysTUP! project is looking into new ways of transforming urban biowaste into valuable biobased products and you are invited to take part! We are launching a survey to assess citizens’ knowledge and habits regarding organic waste sorting… Are you ready to make a change?Are you ready

NOVEMBER 2021  Items of this 9th issue: Editorial Insights on agricultural disaster risk management The BEACON business cases Upcoming events In case you misse Access here.  

The Technical University of Crete (TUC) is leading Pilot 7 (Chania, Crete), producing biochar from sewage sludge provided by the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant of Chania as well as from olive mill wastewater provided by a local olive mill. The second field testing was completed in August 2021, where tomatoes were cultivated with and without biochar amendment as soil improver and bio stimulant. 🖱️ Read more…

During its participation at ECOFIRA 2021, the SAV team had the opportunity to present one of the WaysTUP! pilots, transforming coffee grounds into valuable bioproducts, to the President of the Valencia Government, Ximo Puig the Regional Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency, and Ecological Transition, Mireia Mollá and the Vice Mayor of Valencia Sergi Campillo. SAV, in charge of the “FOOD & FEED” pilot, has already started to deploy bins

OCTOBER 2021 Columns of the fifth issue: Editorial Project News Facts & Figures IPCC assessment report In case you missed What we are reading Upcoming events Access here.