MINEYE (Earth Observation techniques for MINe lifE cYclE monitoring using ML-based data fusion approaches) project has just released its first newsletter!!! Items of this first issue: introducing the project the consortium minEYE view MINEYE keeps an eye on the latest news & events MINEYE’s overall objective and ambition is to increase the access to critical and strategic minerals and metals in Europe with full consideration of environmental and social aspects, by

A warm welcome back to all our readers from the WaysTUP! editorial team! In this issue we host an “Interview with Gianluca Anzelmo explaining NOVAMONT’s contribution to the project and elaborating on biowaste plastics. Take an active part in the WaysTUP! project  by playing the waste sorting game to test your knowledge on waste sorting. Revisit “The ROOTS Policy Conference” and get the insiders’ view on the proposed circular policies

Welcome to the 6th STARGATE project newsletter. Following a three and half year journey STARGATE proudly presents the “Project progress” and its latest publications in “STARGATE Reports” and news in “What’s new with STARGATE”. Check FAO’s new tool for “Monitoring Water Productivity”, the most prominent upcoming “Conferences & Events” we selected for you and of course, don’t miss out on the “News to read”. Access here.

Columns of the seventh issue: Editorial Project News Facts & Figures “Fit for 55” EU plan What we are reading Upcoming events In case you missed Access here.  

Please take a cool break and refresh with the 25th agROBOfood Newsletter!!! Mark your calendars for the events presented on Project News and read the views of Tatjana Knežević in Women in agri-tech. The latest on robotics have been caught On our radar and agROBOfood TV. Funding opportunities in agriculture and robotics present a selection of programmes and relevant pitching events. In Focus introduces you to the TOMMIE project that proposes a revolutionary robot for chemical blossom thinning.

The 5th WaysTUP! General Meeting has successfully come to an end. Over a two-day online meeting, partners discussed project progress, achievements, and next steps… Stay tuned for upcoming meeting insights!

As we have been announcing since February 2022, the ATLAS twelve Open Call 2021 winners are about to complete their implementation phase in July after six intensive months working together with the ATLAS technical partners and Pilot Sites. They are now getting closer to validate their data-driven services to integrate them into the ATLAS Interoperability Network. The twelve innovative agricultural solutions aim to tackle five agricultural challenges, including: livestock management, irrigation, weed

The URBIOFIN project team welcomes back all newsletter readers and cordially thanks them for following through its five-year journey! In this URBIOFIN newsletter you can catch up with the project’s progress and accomplishments… We proudly host the views of two project partners Alba Serna Maza (URBASER) and José María Gómez Palacios (BPE) on the future of biorefineries, while women in bioeconomy give us their viewpoints on the prospects of the

WaysTUP! and the Pilot ‘Food & Feed’ coordinated by SAV was presented in Terra Viva, the TV program dedicated to the Valencian countryside, livestock, fishing, and the weather in À Punt channel in Spain. 🖱️ Click here to watch the relative excerpt…

SIEUSOIL partners met today online under the coordination of Professor Dimitrios Moshou to discuss the project implementation and plan the next steps ahead. 🖱️ click here to find out more on SIEUSoil