The URBIOFIN project team welcomes back all newsletter readers and cordially thanks them for following through its five-year journey! In this URBIOFIN newsletter you can catch up with the project’s progress and accomplishments… We proudly host the views of two project partners Alba Serna Maza (URBASER) and José María Gómez Palacios (BPE) on the future of biorefineries, while women in bioeconomy give us their viewpoints on the prospects of the

WaysTUP! and the Pilot ‘Food & Feed’ coordinated by SAV was presented in Terra Viva, the TV program dedicated to the Valencian countryside, livestock, fishing, and the weather in À Punt channel in Spain. 🖱️ Click here to watch the relative excerpt…

SIEUSOIL partners met today online under the coordination of Professor Dimitrios Moshou to discuss the project implementation and plan the next steps ahead. 🖱️ click here to find out more on SIEUSoil

From 14 to 16 June, the DLG Field Days took place under the theme “My crop production, my future”. Here, the plant cultivation professionals could once again inform themselves about the current topics around arable farming. ATLAS was also discussed in the area of digitalisation. Dr. Stefan Rilling from Fraunhofer IAIS, as coordinator of the project, gave an insight into the contribution of ATLAS in this area during a panel

The overall experimental design of the final application conducted by the Technical University of Crete aimed to evaluate the efficiency of sewage sludge, olive mill wastewater and compost biochars as biostimulants in agriculture under field conditions. The application will be conducted between May 2022 and September 2022 in a field in the area of Akrotiri, in Chania, Greece. Tomatoes are cultivated under field conditions with and without biochar amendment. Four

In this issue agROBOfood hosts an “Interview with Juan Perela” of the Alpha Unmanned Systems where he describes the ACROCrop project. We invite you to read the views of “Women in agri-tech” and our latest “Project News” on the agROBOfood events. ‘On our radar’ has caught exciting news on robotics whilst “agROBOfood TV” presents robots hard at work. Check out a selection of “Funding opportunities” in agriculture and robotics and

AgriSat team, as pilot leader of the Spanish case, has met on the 9th of June with colleagues from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki team, to stay informed about the indicators that STARGATE can provide in the pilot cases for better decision-making at work on the farms. Access all the latest on STARGATE here…

AINIA and IRIAF (CLAMBER BIOREFINERY) joined the events of the Museum for the World Environment Day of 2022, giving a show for kids. 🖱️ More details and images here.

The URBIOFIN project Final Event was held in the frames of the World Bio Markets 2022 event on 8-9 June. In a two-day event coordinated by PERSEO biotechnologies, we shared our advances in biotechnological process developments at industrial level to produce biofuel, bioenergy and bioproducts from organic and cellulosic wastes. The URBIOFIN project was delighted to have had the opportunity to share its experiences with other companies and experts of

Three key ATLAS people were caught on camera during the 2nd project meeting,that took place in Thessaloniki, on the 28th and 29th of April 2022. 🖱️ Click here to watch the 3 videos.